Terms of Service

1. Length of Service

  1. No Minimum Sessions: You’re not required to commit to a minimum number of sessions. We’re flexible!
  2. No Obligation: Feel free to use our services as long as you need them. There’s no obligation to continue.
  3. Tailored Service: We tailor our service to fit your unique needs.

2.  Clear & clutter-free Services

At Clear & Clutterfree, we’re dedicated to making your life easier and your home more organised. Here’s how we can help:

Scope of Work
    1. Consultation: We’ll start with a friendly chat to understand your organising needs and goals.
    2. Customised Plan: Together, we’ll develop a personalised organising plan tailored to your unique requirements.
    3. Implementation: We collaborate with you to bring your customised plan to life.
    4. Moving Preparation: If you’re preparing to move or sell, we assist in decluttering and packing up efficiently.
    5. Downsizing and Decluttering: We provide support in simplifying your space and life.
    6. Deceased Estate Clearance: With care and sensitivity, we’ll help clear deceased estates, as much or as little as you need.
    7. New Home Setup: Moving in? We help unpack and set up your new home to make it feel just right.
    8. Hoarding Support: If you’re facing challenges with managing your possessions or maintaining your space, we offer compassionate support to help you create a more organised and comfortable environment.
    9. Decluttering Support Calls: We offer 45-minute support calls to guide and motivate you through your decluttering journey.
    10. Project Completion: We’ll help identify and research any additional services needed to complete your project and assist if needed.
    11. Donation Coordination: We bag items you choose to donate and ensure they’re responsibly disposed of.
    12. Paperwork Sorting: Overwhelmed by paperwork? We help sort and organise it efficiently.

When you choose any of our services, rest assured that all the conditions in our agreement will apply, ensuring a seamless and professional experience.

3.   Initial Review and Consultation

    1. Discussion and Assessment: In our first session, we’ll have a detailed conversation about your needs, goals, and challenges. We’ll also assess the spaces that require attention and discuss your readiness to make changes.
    2. Record-Keeping: With your consent, we may take notes and photos for record-keeping purposes only, ensuring we fully understand your situation and can provide the best support.
    3. Team Collaboration: Depending on the scope of the project, one or more team members may attend the session. Together, we’ll discuss different approaches, the frequency of visits, and establish a timeline that works for you.

4.   Business and Service Hours

    1. Regular Hours: Our business hours are from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday.
    2. Contacting Us: Please keep calls and text messages within these hours so we can provide you with the best assistance.
    3. After-Hours Service: If you need our services outside of regular hours, additional fees may apply for weekends and public holidays.
    4. In-Person Sessions in Sydney: In-person sessions within Sydney require a minimum of 3 hours.
    5. In-Person Sessions Outside Sydney: For locations outside of Sydney or where travel is more than 45 minutes, a minimum of 4 hours is required.

5.   Fees, Payments, and Reimbursements

    1. Charges: Clear & Clutterfree charges in AUD.
    2. Billable Services: Our billable services include:
      • Meeting the client at their location (an initial meeting fee applies, which will be deducted if a package is purchased)
      • Hands-on organising and decluttering
      • Telephone coaching and decluttering support
      • Reports, phone calls, and text messages beyond the initial assessment or appointment-related communication
      • Work done on behalf of the client that does not require face-to-face interaction, such as research, will be discussed and agreed upon if required.
    3. Exclusions: Our fee does not include products, supplies, or third-party services such as skip bins or rubbish removal. An additional 20% fee is charged if we purchase products, boxes, or supplies for you, covering the time it takes to acquire them.
    4. No Charge Services: There’s no charge for working out appointment times, providing feedback, or sending brief emails.
5.1  Payment Terms
      1. A balance of payment is expected at the end of the service, including any travel fee.
      2. We accept direct bank transfers, credit cards, cash, and PayPal.
      3. We may increase our fees from time to time, but we will notify you in advance of any increase.
5.2  Travel Reimbursements
      1. Travel Fee: We’ll establish a travel fee beforehand, if necessary, to cover fuel, tolls, parking, mileage, and some of our time before beginning.
      2. Free Travel Allowance: The first 30 kilometers in either direction, or 90 minutes of total travel time, are free of charge. Any travel time to and from your location exceeding this limit may result in an additional fee.
      3. During Session Travel: If travel is required during the session, such as to and from a storage unit or between locations, $1 per kilometer will be charged.
      4. NDIS Coverage: NDIS will cover the cost of our services for self-managed or plan-managed participants, including travel expenses. If there is a shortfall, the client will need to cover it.
      5. Accommodation: Should accommodation be required for longer jobs at a distance, a flat fee of $150 per night will be charged for each organiser to cover accommodation and meals.

6.  Deposits, Quote Validity, and Package Expiry

    1. Deposit: A deposit is required to secure your first booking with Clear & Clutterfree.
    2. Prepaid Package Offer: A prepaid package offer is valid for 7 days.
    3. Prepaid Discount Package: A prepaid discount package is valid for 3 months and cannot be transferred.

7.  Late Payment

    1. Administration Fee: A fee of $20 for administration may be levied on payments that are overdue by more than 7 days. Additionally, 2.5% fortnightly interest will be charged, unless alternative arrangements have been made with us in writing.
    2. Collection Costs: If you don’t pay your invoice on time and a collection agency or law firm gets involved, you’ll have to pay for all the associated costs, including commission fees and legal fees.
    3. Legal Action: Additionally, if the client takes legal action due to a breach of this agreement, they are entitled to recover their legal fees and expenses.

8.  Working Together Safely

    1. Safety First: The safety of everyone working together is paramount.
    2. Responsibility for Pets and Children: To ensure a safe environment, please make sure that animals and small children are not present during sessions.
    3. Reporting Unsafe Conditions: Please inform us if any situation is unsafe, such as:
      • Tripping hazards
      • Presence of dangerous animals
      • Any recent infectious diseases
    4. Preparing the Environment: We kindly request that the following items are removed or securely locked away before we arrive:
      • Firearms or other weapons
      • Illicit drugs, prescription medications, syringes, and/or other dangerous items
      • Items of high monetary or sentimental value
    5. Session Adjustments: If a scheduled session exceeding 4 hours needs to be shortened due to unexpected mental health concerns, we may charge a minimum of 3 hours per organiser as a one-time exception. We are here to support you and can provide breaks as needed. However, please understand that we cannot accommodate changes of heart by shortening a scheduled session.

9.  Commitment to a Respectful Environment

We are committed to maintaining a respectful, inclusive, and supportive environment. We have a zero-tolerance policy for hate speech, bullying, harassment, and any form of abusive behaviour. All clients, subcontractors, and staff must treat each other with kindness, and respect ensuring a welcoming environment for everyone. Violation of these terms may result in the immediate termination of services.

    1. Respectful Interactions: All clients, subcontractors, and staff must treat each other with kindness and respect. Open communication is encouraged, and any disagreements should be approached with understanding.
    2. LGBT Inclusivity: We are committed to being inclusive and supportive of LGBT individuals. All interactions must reflect this commitment, ensuring a welcoming and respectful environment for everyone.
    3. No Hate or Bullying: We have a zero-tolerance policy for hate or bullying. Bullying is unreasonable behaviour that creates a hostile environment. This includes, but is not limited to:
      • Verbal Abuse/Teasing: Insults or derogatory comments.
      • Exclusion/Isolation: Deliberately leaving someone out of activities or consistently favouring one staff member over another.
      • Humiliating Behaviour: Actions or words intended to embarrass.
      • Micromanaging: Excessive control or criticism.

By engaging with Clear & Clutterfree, you agree to uphold these standards and contribute to a positive and respectful working environment.

10.  Privacy

    1. We agree to handle any personal information you provide to us solely for the purpose of performing our obligations under this agreement.
    2. We may collect your name, address, and contact details.
    3. We may collect information about any relevant disabilities and/or illnesses to better cater to your needs.
    4. We may collect personal and professional emergency contact details.
    5. Our privacy policy can be viewed here.
    6. Your information will be kept confidential even after the professional relationship is over.

11.  Cancellations or Rescheduling Your Appointment.

If you wish to cancel or reschedule a pre-booked appointment with us, you must inform us at least 48 hours before the scheduled appointment time.

12.  Late Notice Cancellation Fee

If you cancel or change your appointment within 48 hours of the appointment time, a cancellation fee equivalent to 50% of your session’s full rate will be applied. However, in cases of an emergency or suspected COVID infection, we will consider waiving this fee.

13. Timely Access and Delay Notifications

    1. Please ensure timely access to the address within 15-20 minutes of the scheduled appointment.
    2. In cases of delay, kindly notify us beforehand. The waiting period is a maximum of 15–20 minutes. After 15-20 minutes, the client shall be considered a no-show and will be subject to full charges for the missed session.
    3. Our full cancellation policy can be found here.

14.  Working Together Effectively

    1. Requesting Services: You have requested our services to provide guidance, support, and assistance with the organisation and/or decluttering of your home by: i. Sending us an email and accepting our quote; ii. Confirming acceptance by telephone iii. Making a full or partial payment
    2. Cooperation: To facilitate the decluttering, organising, and tidying up of your home, as well as assisting with your paperwork, we require your cooperation in providing the necessary information for a personalised service. This is a collaborative activity, and our aim is to ensure that your living space is orderly and efficient.
    3. Communication: Please speak up if at any time you feel uncomfortable or unsafe.
    4. Readiness: Ensure you are ready to work when a professional organiser arrives.
    5. Participation: The outcomes depend on your level of participation, willingness to purge or donate, decision-making abilities, and how well you follow through on suggestions provided. Active participation and follow-through are crucial for achieving the best results.
    6. Trust and Guidance: We request that you trust our capabilities and avoid providing excessive guidance. Too much direction may impede our productivity. Confidence in our skills will help us serve you better. We may feel uneasy if your expectations are overly demanding.

15.  Out of Scope

    1. Deep Cleaning: Clear & Clutterfree will not be responsible for cleaning heavily soiled areas and may recommend other services or products.
    2. Selling Items: We can assist with taking photos of items to be sold, but the client is in charge of all items that will be sold, disposed of, or given away.
    3. Donation Policy: We may remove donations that are size-appropriate and donate on your behalf. This is limited to one trip per session. You understand donations, once removed, are not recoverable through Clear & Clutterfree.
    4. Medical or Financial Advice: We do not provide financial or medical advice.

16.  Third-party Services

    1. Separate Agreements: If you choose to use services from a third party, it will be a separate agreement from ours.
    2. Finding Services: We can help you find third-party services through our research efforts.
    3. No Responsibility: We accept no responsibility for the quality or delivery of third-party services.

17.  Warranty & Indemnification

    1. Insurance Coverage: Our Professional organizers are covered by Professional Liability (PL) and Public Indemnity (PI) Insurance.
    2. Indemnification Agreement: By engaging our services, you agree to indemnify Clear & Clutterfree’s employers and/or contractors, keeping them harmless against all legal claims arising from circumstances beyond the control of the Professional organizers.
    3. Responsibility for Possessions: You, the client, hold the responsibility for all decisions concerning the movement, management, destination, and destruction of your possessions.
    4. Exceptions to Indemnity: This indemnity does not apply to any claim caused by Clear & Clutterfree’s negligence or a breach of this Agreement.

18.  Dispute resolution and feedback

    1. Dispute Resolution: In case of any disagreement between the parties involved in this Agreement, it shall be resolved through discussion and negotiation in good faith by both parties with the aim of reaching a mutually acceptable solution.
    2. Contact Information: Please do not hesitate to contact Karen immediately at 0425334537 or via email at [email protected].
    3. Feedback Response: We strongly believe that respectful discussions are crucial in resolving any issues or concerns. You can rest assured that we will respond to your feedback or complaint within 48 hours.

19.  Australian Consumer Law

The services provided by Clear & Clutterfree are bound by Australian Consumer Law Rights and any liability relating to them. It is important to note that this agreement cannot override any of your legal entitlements under Australian Consumer Law Rights.

20.  Liability

    1. Limited Liability: Even if there is anything in contrast, to the maximum extent allowed by law and considering your Consumer Law Rights, our liability will not cover indirect or consequential losses. The total amount we could be held responsible for under this Agreement is limited to the repayment of the Price you paid.
    2. No Warranties: Except for your legal rights, the services that are provided to you come without any warranties, be they implied or expressed.

21.  Governing Law

The governing law for this Agreement is New South Wales, Australia, and it is construed accordingly.

22.   Acceptance

  1. Client Agreement: By making a deposit, you confirm that you have read, understood, and agreed to the terms outlined in our Service Agreement.
  2. Booking Deposit: A deposit is required to secure your appointment for our service.
understand and agree to the terms.

Client Agreement: By making a deposit, you confirm that you have read, understood, and agreed to the terms outlined in our Service Agreement.
Booking Deposit: A deposit is required to secure your appointment for our service.